Friday, January 16, 2015

Efficient Meal Planning

Efficient Meal Planning
Today I am going to provide you with my system for meal planning,
To save you time and money!

  1. Don't buy anything yet!!
  2. Go to your kitchen and make a list of every food in your kitchen. You will be surprised how much is in there! I break my list into fruits, veggies, carbs/starch , proteins, and toppings (sauces, dressings, dips, etc..) breaking into a list makes it simple to create meals.
  3. Sit down with a template: draw one, use a white board, whatever works for your life! Shoot for 5meals a day!
  4. Now think of as many meals as you possibly can with the ingredients your wrote down get creative!
  5. Tip for meal planning it to "theme" your meals. You will see in my meal plan I always have a smoothie or straight fruit for breakfast, snack is oatmeal or fruit, lunch is always veggies and a protein, dinner is the same, and I banish night cravings with a chocolate super food shake. Find what makes sense to you!
  6. Once you have exhausted the resources you already have at home, see what gaps you have and put down exact meals so you can make a short affordable list. Don't be afraid to eat the same thing on multiple occasions as long as you don't get bored it will save you time and money.
  7. Print out your meal plan and tape it to the fridge, so you have no excuse not to eat exactly whats on there!

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